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Hidden Gems in Italy – Scola Tower

Italy has thousands of magnificent hidden gems. One of the most intriguing is Scola Tower!

Scola Tower, also called the Tower of San Giovanni Battista, is a military structure located in the Gulf of La Spezia (The Gulf of Poets) in Liguria, Italy. The tower sits north of the island of Palmaria in Porto Venere.

Built for protection against the Senate of the Republic of Genoa, this tower is overflowing with history. Specifically, the purpose of Scola Tower was to protect the cove Oliovo on the Palmaria island and the towns of Lerici and Porto Venere.

The tower appears to be rising from the sea, making it an exquisite site and a hidden gem in Italy. It consists of large blocks of square stone. Citizens of Genoa made it from a rock in 1606. This building has been around for so long due to its sturdy architecture. The walls are about 4 feet thick, and the structure is over 42 feet tall! It is pentagonal, and the corners have turrets on top and openings created for ten cannons. It is spacious and was created to fit eight soldiers and a captain.

In 1800 during naval battles between the British and French, who strove to drive Napoleon’s troops away from the gulf, it was destroyed. However, in 1915 it was converted into a beacon and was restored between 1976 and 1980. Thus, it continues to draw in visitors to this day.

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