
Traditional Italian Games

While children in modern Italy has access to all the latest toy trends and technological devices to keep them entertained, there are some great traditional Italian games. These are still played by children and adults alike.


While children in modern Italy has access to all the latest toy trends and technological devices to keep them entertained, there are some great traditional Italian games. These are still played by children and adults alike.


Lupo Delle Ore




This game involves one person being nominated as the wolf. They turn their back and the others stand in a line. The children ask the wolf what time it is and the wolf shouts out a number. The others then take this many steps towards the wolf. At a time of their choosing, the wolf can shout out that they are hungry rather than saying a number. The wolf will then chase the others and tag one. The one who is tagged then becomes the wolf.


Strega Comanda Color




This is an old playground game. One child is the witch and they shout out a color. The others who are playing must then run and touch something that is that color while the witch chases them. If nobody is caught before they touch something of the right color, then the same person remains the witch. On the other hand, if someone is caught, they become the witch






This is an unusual ball game that is only played in Italy. It is similar to tennis. However, instead of playing with a racquet, the players hit the ball with a tambourine.


Cacio al Fuso

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This game is similar to lawn bowls and is played by both adults and children. Rather than having a white ball to aim the bowls at, there is a stick in the centre of the area where the game is being played. This game originates from Tuscany and, traditionally, was played using a cheese wheel rolled towards a peg rather than balls.






Campara is the Italian version of hopscotch and it is believed that this game was invented by the Romans. There are various ways to play this game that involves hopping and jumping between the lines of a grid drawn on the floor.



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